Eduardo Leite’s was rushed to the hospital where the doctors were able to successfully remove the piece of steel, after a five-hour surgery.
“He was taken to the operating room, his skull was opened, they examined the brain and the surgeon decided to pull the metal bar out from the front in the same direction it entered the brain.” stated Essinger.
Leite had arrived at the hospital complete aware of his surrounding and the situation, even to the point that he was able to explain what had happened. After the surgery was complete he was a little lucid the doctors stated, but there were no signs of negative consequences or complications.
The metal bar fell from the fifth floor of the construction building and went through the hard hat that Eduardo was wearing. The entire event was a miracle that should have killed him, but some how he survived and remain relatively undamaged, considering the circumstances.
“They told me he was lying down (in the ambulance) with the bar pointing upward,” said Leite’s wife.” He was holding it and his face covered in blood. His look was as if nothing had happened. When he arrived he told the doctors he wasn’t feeling anything, no pain, nothing. It’s unbelievable.”
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