October 31, 2012

10 Bizarre and Interesting Facts

  1. Elephant can move their skin to crush mosquitoes between their rolls of skin.
  2. Water towers main purpose is to control water pressure, not to store water.
  3. New Zealand has a human population of a little over 4 million people and approximately 30 million sheep. That is 7 sheep per person.
  4. The ampersand (&) was once the 27th letter of the alphabet. It comes from the stylised calligraphic writing of 'et', Latin for 'and'. 
  5. Bananas emit anti-matter. They contain an isotope of potassium which undergoes a form of beta decay, releasing a positron (anti-electron).
  6. 'Sweating like a pig'. Pigs can't sweat that's why they pant.
  7. Turtles can breathe through their butts.
  8. The longest case of continuous hiccups was 68 years.
  9. Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of long words.
  10. Captain Crunch's first name is Horatio.

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