November 27, 2012

A Male Honebee's penis gets destroyed after sex!

Honey Bees are a pretty suicidal species. When you get stung by one, its stinger is detached from the body, leaving with it the bee's vital organs. So it dies. This is a pretty well known fact. 
A more unknown one is what happens to male worker bees when they impregnate a female queen. When a Queen Bee is ready to mate, it takes flight with about a dozen of male drones. Think of it like an insect version of The Bachelor. However, the reward for the eventual male winner is not a rose, but a mating session with the queen that results in his death!
In order to prevent the other 11 drones from impregnating the queen, the male's penis snaps off and remains attached to her, acting as a plug that prevents any more sexual contact. So it dies. 

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